The Goan Welfare Society (GWS) was founded in March 1983 to provide limited assistance to Goans living in the UK.

The responsibility for the Charity was handed over to the Goan Association (UK) when the original Trustees had passed away and in October 2004, it was re-constituted with Trustees appointed by the Board of Directors. However, as required by the Charity Commission, the Charity operates as an autonomous body with its own membership and raising its own funds. Read our Mission statement …
Over the past few years, the welfare work has shown a considerable demand due to the increasing number of Goans arriving in the UK and also with the ageing community needing more assistance. This has put pressure on the Charity because of a lack of resources and more importantly, because more volunteers are desperately needed – as the saying goes
“ The Harvest is Big, but the Labourers are Few ”
West London:
Ealing Hospital on: 020 8869 2113
Northwick Park, St Mark’s & Central Middlesex Hospitals: Kindly leave a voicemail including patient’s name, religion and the ward if known. Sunday – Friday 8:00am – 4:00pm. Phone: 020 8967 5130
Alternatively, request a member of Staff to contact a chaplain
or e-mail: LNWH-tr.chaplaincy@nhs.net
The Hospital Chaplain used to have access to the list of patients on a ward. That is no longer the case and either the person themselves or family or friends must let the Chaplain know if you would like a visit or Communion
South-West London:
St George’s Hospital, Tooting:
Contact the Goan Chaplain, Fr Patrick De Souza, on: 07342 267878 (email: patrickdsouza2008@gmail.com)
General: Ask the Patient Advice & Liaison Service (PALS) at the hospital to contact the Catholic Hospital Chaplain, giving the full name & ward of the patient.