hospital care for Francisco DSilva

In conjunction with the GOAN CHAPLAINCY (London)

15 August 2024


Dear Friends

I am appealing to your generosity, as we are trying to raise funds to cover the cost of urgent hospital care for Francisco D’Silva, who had travelled to the UK in January 2024 to be present for the birth of his grandchild. He came to the UK on a visitor’s visa and was due to return to Goa in June 2024.

Unfortunately, on the 27th May 2024, Francisco suffered a major stroke which paralysed his left side and he was rushed to A&E. Since then, he suffered a heart attack and sadly passed away on 9th July 2024 and we have arranged for the body to be repatriated to his family in Goa.

As with our previous appeals, we are hoping for a generous response from the Community at large but particularly, from the many Goans currently in the UK and villagers from Chicalim. Donations may be made by interbank transfer (see bank details below).

Alternatively, you may consider the “GoFundMe” initiative, set up by the family and the link is:

Cheque donations may be posted to our registered address below or handed to any Trustee of the GWS (Flavio Gracias, Paul De Mendonca, Norma Menezes-Rahim, Rosy De Souza & Jaine Endro) or to Fr Patrick De Souza, the Goan Chaplain or to Mark Silva, President of the YGA in Southall. Cheques should be made payable to: Goan Welfare Society UK, with your address on the reverse.

May I convey my sincere thanks for your help and our best wishes for a peaceful summer!

God bless & keep safe!!

FLAVIO GRACIAS, BEM., (Mobile No. 07753 309781)

p.s. Alternatively, pay direct into the Goan Welfare Society UK bank account held at: HSBC Bank, Sort Code: 40-22-30 Account No. 01435981
(reference: Francisco D’Silva). Please contact us for an acknowledgement.