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In conjunction with the GOAN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION (EALING) & The GOAN CHAPLAINCY (London) May 2017 REPATRIATION of ALISHA PEREIRA (D.O.B. 21.08.1994) Dear Friends I am appealing once again to your generosity as we are trying to raise funds to repatriate the body of 22-year Alisha Pereira back to her family in Fartoda, Goa. Alisha...
Reducing Heart Disease GWS takes the health of the Community very seriously: We have encouraged the over 45s to visit their GPs for health checks. We have employed Nurses to run sessions at G.O.A. functions providing free BP checks and advice on healthy eating.

Controlling Diabetes

Controlling Diabetes In conjunction with the G.O.A., free diabetic checks have been available at the Goan Festivals. In view of the large number of diabetics within the community, we have been encouraging all to reduce sugar intake by avoiding the serving of pre-sweetened beverages at various social gatherings and by...

Preventing homeless

Preventing Homelessness When sudden and short-term events threaten to make a family homeless, GWS steps in to provide financial help for necessities until the situation is resolved. It would be useful if we could call upon volunteers who are fluent in English and Konkani to help as interpreters.

Dealing with Dementia

Dealing With Dementia GWS has provided advice with Care Packages and deal with Social Services. Where necessary we arrange for visits to members of the Community who are in Care Homes. We would like more volunteers, especially medical professionals  to come forward and help in an advisory capacity.